Today I went to a rock show with some of the people from work. Let's just was an experience. Now, I'm just not a rock fan in the first place...and this was heavy rock. Eek!
At first I was worried that I would not enjoy it (not because it was rock music...well, not completely for that reason..). I was worried that it would all be in Vietnamese, and that because I would not understand anything, it would not be so enjoyable. Silly me!
As we arrived, I realized that it didn't matter what language they performed in. With the bass blasting and the screaming from the "singer," I could not hear, let alone understand, anything anyway. Turns out there were multiple bands doing covers of American rock songs. I suppose as a rock fan I woulda just recognized the song by the music, regardless of the words (because, honestly, who really knows the words of these heavy metal/rock songs?). But since I'm not, I was lost. Especially in my pale yellow shirt. But I wasn't alone.
why do i always look so stupid when i'm taking such pics... |
Quang, Quan, and Bao (not sure if this is how their names are spelt..but good enough..) |
tuyen...and viet (or is it vied?) to her right...he's the major rock fan who invited us out for this show..thanks! |
them again...with tan standing behind viet and thong to tuyen's right. (i really should learn to spell their names at least, since i fail in pronouncing them) |
thinh has just arrived with his red shirt.... |
But again, like I said, this was an experience. Vietnamese rockers. It was interesting. Very interesting. I have never been to a rock show or a rock concert or anything similar to this, so I am not sure how the audience usually is. Whatever the case, it was a small venue, there were lots of people dressed in dark (black) clothing, and they were getting rowdy and into the whole shebang. At first I felt myself giggling (inside of course) because I wasn't sure what people did at these things, and if this head bobbing was really all one could do. There were a number of head-bobbers; I'm sure there were more since it was crowded and I was unable to observe beyond a few feet around me.
Some of them looked silly (though I could not capture it with a picture and it was too dark for a video), so it made me want to laugh. Well, most of them looked silly...standing in one spot, staring at the floor, throwing their heads back and forth arrhythmically. I'm not saying I have great rhythm or anything...and I give them props for coming out and doing their thing. But still, all I could think of while the few guys in front of me were throwing their hair (or the few centimeters of hair) back and forth - I hope none of these guys has lice. I know, rude. I'm sorry. But it's a legit concern right?!
But some of the people were not serious about their rock music and their head bobbing. The two guys indicated by the red arrows...they were bobbing their heads crazily, but, well, they clearly lacked dedication. Their hair was a few inches long only and there was no good hair action whatsoever. The guy indicated by the blue arrow, however, was sincere in his head bobbing. His hair was longer than the other girls that I went with...and very curly...and his bunch of friends had hair as long as mine. If you're gonna go head-bob, best to go with a full set of hair right? Just kidding...but not really..
And then, in the middle of the first band's performance, I thought I saw a fight break out. I was kinda scared. But then, after the song was finished, the group of people I thought were fighting were cheering and throwing their hands up. Maybe it wasn't a fight...just a mosh pit?
Whatever it was, I didn't stay in the place any longer because people were smoking insanely. I couldn't breathe properly so I stepped out for some fresh air...asked Tuyen to play No Hands for me...and danced to good ol' hip-hop. And shortly afterwards, I called it a early night...on Friday. I'm not a loser...and I'm not lame. I'm just tired. -_-
PS - Tuyen has been rather mean this week. Of course, in a joking manner...but still, she was so sweet and innocent before. I was deceived!! This kinda rude humor would never have come from her. Or that's what I thought. Boy, was I wrong!! She was throwing out mean remarks left and right. This is what I call "American humor" although I am not saying only Americans like to thrown rude remarks around as a means of joking...but it definitely is common...and I am no exception. She'd make it in America, definitely. My only rationale for her out-of-place behavior - she'd been exposed to Elliot for too long. Heehee. They do sit across from one another. With all that exposure, her becoming this way was prolly inevitable. Oh, but I miss my sweet, cute Tuyen!!! =[
Lol. She's still cute and sweet and all that...just a bit meaner....and a liar..because I am not "so old" nor am I "ugly"...but ahh, I appreciate her for making my stay here more bearable. but maybe, just maybe, I won't miss her so much when I return. ;-P
Back when she was sweet to me...Saturday June 26...
she took me to Tokyo Deli... |
salmon...yumm... |
dragon roll..not as good as in America..but still tasty. | i love you! |
my bento box...mmMMMmm good... |
it was raining hardcore after work... |
and we waited patiently for a taxi to go do a little bit of shopping... |
She's so cute...i heart her!
oh...before I leave this post...I got caught up in a really good “that’s what she said” today..of course with Elliot because I don't think the others even get that. It hasn't happened in awhile..prolly due to the fact that Elliot and I have not been spending that much time together lately...but I must admit, today's was a pretty good one; when I realized what I had said, I laughed my butt off…so bad that my face turned red.
So that memo on tender offers that we had been working on for over two weeks now...we actually "finished" it this past Monday...or so I thought. Apparently, after Elliot had a talk with one of the managing partners, he decided our memo had not focused on the appropriate issues and that we had to write another one. I almost cried. Literally. He is so picky with everything; it's frustrating. And when you work with someone who distrusts everything you say (even though you've done a lot of research and reading), it gets tiring.
But we were discussing the format of the questions we were posing for this second memo...and because the topic is so complex...we had one general question, and had sub-questions under that one main question. Of course, neither of us was sure if that format was acceptable. After a short discussion, I simply told him: “I’ve never done it in this form before.” And he just looked at me. And then laughed. Then looked at me again. And I realized what he was thinking...and even I couldn't give him a "are you for real?" look because it was really a good "that's what she said" moment...
Ahh..that's all. I just had to share it with you was funny...wasn't it?! =D
oh oh oh...
Saved the best news for last.....
Today is the 2 year 8 month anniversary of my lovely relationship with Mr. Matthew. Love you, darling!!!
Okay okay...I've kept you long enough. Bye bye.
oh oh oh...
Saved the best news for last.....
Today is the 2 year 8 month anniversary of my lovely relationship with Mr. Matthew. Love you, darling!!!
![]() |
he's correcting lab reports...i'm reading law school stuff... |
Awwww! Congrats on the anniversary! That is quite the cute picture too.