Friday, May 13, 2011

it's friday the 13th...

...and so I decided it'll be a good day to, well, start this's technically also the last day of finals for us...although since I took mine yesterday, I'm officially over my first year of law school. YAY!

So yesterday, as I was prancing around in my black sundress (I know, quite dark for a sundress eh? but it's quite cute actually..), I realized how awesome it is to be carefree...even if just for a moment. I mean, it's not like I really have much worries anyway, or that I have never been carefree before, but back in the years when I was, I didn't notice it much. Probably because I was already slacking in most areas of my life, or because I never had to work even a bit hard for anything.

And then, BAM! Law school. Just like that I had to read a bajillion pages a night and actually try to comprehend the stuff that I was reading. There was never anytime for anything it seemed. And though I could never keep up with the readings because I'd get bored and tired easily, and because I had no self-control, this one year of law school has drained me of so much energy and happiness and free time and good sleep.


I wish I had talked to someone who was going to law school (cannot be a fresh grad or a working lawyer because they may be bias). I wish someone had stepped in when they asked me what I was planning to do after undergrad and I replied "I don't know...maybe law school." I really, really wish someone had told me, "you know, it's a whole lot of reading and work and stress from the first day of law school till you are done with life as a lawyer."

But nope, there was no such person. And so, here I am, wondering every single day, "What the hell am I doing here?" And trying to persuade myself that it will all be worthwhile soon enough. Still, it's not easy convincing yourself...and each day of classes and schoolwork and stress makes it all the more difficult.

But the good news for now is that it's all over...and summer has officially started for me...well, actually, it started yesterday at 4:30 pm when I handed in my last final exam of the semester!!

ByeBye 1L!!!!!!!!



Oh...and THIS is a happy law student... =D


  1. Haha, I have proof of a "Happy Law Student" now!!!!!!

  2. but of course, only because it was the day finals was over!!!!
